Monday, March 18, 2013

Positive thinking.

I need a personaltiy makeover. (and probably a physical one as well according to just about everyone I know--sorry, but my love for sweatpants will never cease!)

Back to the main topic. Positive thinking. I should really give it a try one day. And by one day I mean, like, every day.

As soon as I wake up in the morning, I am defeated by my brain of negative energy and thoughts.

Work is going to suck.

I'm too fat to fit in that outfit today.

Ugh, my roommate will be in the kitchen the same time that I am, I just want to eat in peace.

Today's workout is going to make me feel really shitty about myself.

And then there is my negative thinking about people around me.

God, she is so fucking lazy and talks like a goddamn idiot.

Oh you lost 5lbs this week? Sorry honey, it's just water weight.

Your nails look stupid.

She got engaged? I give it 2 years.

How do I just stop? How do I wake up feeling ready to tackle the day? How do I get excited to wake up in the morning rather than be excited just to go to bed and sleep away the world at night? How do I just let people live their lives without thinking of some way to put them down even if its just in my own head?

My boyfriend always asks 'why do you care?' when I talk shit about how my sister is living her life. Or, 'why do you let work get to you so much?' when I tell him how depressed I am about how shitty work has been.

I don't have an answer. There shouldn't be an answer. The questions shouldn't even be asked. I should just be living life to the fullest...enjoying each moment, being happy for other peopls happiness. I just don't know how. 

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