Check here every few weeks to see my progress!
Start: January 23rd, 2012
One rep max:
Deadlift- 235#
Clean- 145#
Jerk- 145#
Shoulder press- 85#
Push Press- 95#
Backsquat- 185#
Front squat- 145#
Overhead squat- 105#
Bench- 118#
Snatch- 95#
Squat clean- 125#
Thruster- 105#
2k row: 8:33
Unable to perform: pullip, rope climb, hollow rock, handstand pushup, ring dip, toes to bar, muscle up
Progress Update #1: 03/01/2012
New One rep max:
Push press: 105#
Thruster: 125#
Bench: 125#
Progress Update #1: 03/01/2012
New One rep max:
Push press: 105#
Thruster: 125#
Bench: 125#